Personal boundaries

Let me tell you about salt.

Horse health

Gina from Alone

Lesbian cliterature

Chemical properties - salt is NEUTRAL

Salt heals - antibacterial - cures food

Salt in the wound

What happens to a snail in salt?

Snail deterrent salt lick snakes across the entire breadth of the space, you must cross it in order to gain access to the rest of the space.

Get off my lawn, keep off the grass, traces of colonisation in lawn history and tended gardens, much like carefully tended boundaries. Constant care.

Zen gardens also require careful tending, raking bringing relaxation                                        tension point relax/repel

Run your fingers through your hair, 

Direct touch will absorb and dry

Bad acid trip mini golf 90’s murder decor salt protection ring

Dog bottle lawn myth - where does it come from...
trying to repel strays

Dog/cats won't wee near a water source?

Holy water wards off evils

Burnt offerings urinal water and salt in the wound, hurt to heal

Ginger protection charm - anti nausea so many cups of tea, accused of bad brew

Black pepper strength and protection

Mirrors act as portals for ghosts


My first word was no

A salve to keep the world from penetrating. 

Made possible with support from Artsbridge, Arts Tasmania